Mowing cost depends on many issues and each company has its own price.
But based on the price of our own company, I calculate in 2023.
120 $ per hour for 3 ton truck and 2 movers. Minimum 2 hours plus 1 hour travel time.
What is the average time for moving?
Moving time depends on many factors. First, the items are well packed. If the items are not packed, it will add 30% to your time on average. Be sure to use standard boxes for packing. The second problem is the access route, which if it is smooth and has no stairs, the work will be done much faster. The shorter the route, the time It will be less. If it is an apartment and the elevator must be used, the time will definitely be longer.
Below average times are not guaranteed.
1 bed room 3-5 hours(1 truck 3 tone and 2 movers)
2 bed room 5-8 hours(1 truck 3 tone and 2 movers)
3 bedroom 8 -10 hours(1 truck 3 tone and 2 movers)
4 bed room 7-11 (1 truck 5 tone and 3movers)
5 bed room 8-10 hours (1 truck 5 tone and 3 tone and 3 movers)
If you like reduce the time and cost ,you can add movers .